SWS Data Leader of the Year is Mrs. Chavez!
SWS Campus Culture Creator of the Year is Mrs. Chavez!
SWS Attendance Leader of the Year is Mrs. Kennedy-Busby!
SWS PLC Perfectionist of the Year is Ms. Ray!
SWS Growth Leader of the Year is Dr. Lodree!
SWS Principals, Congratulations and Thank you for all you do!
Principal of the Year, Mrs. Chavez!
New Principal of the Year, Mr. Gonzalez!
Assistant Principal of the Year, Ms. Johnson!
Enjoying Summer School!
¡Divirtiéndonos en la Escuela del Verano!
SWS High Quality Instructional Materials Leader of the Year is Mr. Gonzalez!
Celebrate Freedom!
Flag day commemorates the date in 1777 when the United States approved the design for its first national flag.
El Día de la Bandera conmemora la fecha de 1777 en que Estados Unidos aprobó el diseño de su primera bandera nacional.
Congratulations DMS 8th Grade Eagles for your academic accomplishments! We cannot wait to see you at Empowerment High School! ¡Felicidades a DMS Aguilas de Octavo Grado por sus logros académicos! ¡Esperamos verlos en Empowerment High School!
Archway Academy of Southwest Schools Graduates of 2022, we are very proud of your accomplishments! We wish you the very best!
Archway Academy Graduates of 2022
Southwest Schools is so very proud if you, we wish you continued success!!!
It has become a SWS Tradition for our Seniors to wear their graduation cap & gown, and walk the hallways of our Elementary with great pride!
¡Se ha convertido en una tradición de SWS que nuestros alumnos Seniors, caminen por los pasillos de nuestra primaria con gran orgullo!
Congratulations to Abdulsalam Alabi, he received the Discovery Middle Principal's Award! He scored the highest in all 4 STAAR Exams!
¡Felicidades a Abdulsalam Alabi, recibió el Premio de la Directora en Discovery! ¡Él obtuvo la calificación más alta en los 4 exámenes STAAR!
Congratulations DMS 8th Grade Eagles for your academic accomplishments! We cannot wait to see you at Empowerment High School!
¡Felicidades a DMS Aguilas de Octavo Grado por sus logros académicos! ¡Esperamos verlos en Empowerment High School!
Tomorrow, Friday, June 3, 2022, is Empowerment High School's Graduation Ceremony. It will be at 9 am at Houston Baptist University, Dunham Theater.
Mañana, viernes, 3 de junio de 2022, es la graduación de Empowerment High School. Comienzará a las 9 am en HBU, Dunham Theater.
Gratitude Breakfast for Senior Parents at Archway. Thank you for all of your support. Congratulations Parents and Seniors!
Class of 2022
Graditude Breakfast for our Parents at Archway! We are truly grateful for your continued SUPPORT!!! Congratulations Parents and Seniors!
Class of 2022!!!
Los invitamos ver la transmisión en vivo de la Graduación de Empowerment High School. Utilice el siguiente enlace https://hbu.edu/hbu-live/ y seleccione HBU Live - Channel 1.
YAY!!! These two students at Bissonnet scored Masters in all their 5th-grade assessments!
¡¡¡BRAVO!!! ¡Estos dos alumnos de Bissonnet ES obtuvieron una calificación de Sobersaliente en todas sus exámenes de 5° grado!