Come out this Saturday, June 10th to the Kendra Scott store in the Heights! Mrs. Page, Director of Outreach & Community Engagement, will host a Kendra Gives Back Party for SWPS from 12PM to 2PM! Remember all proceeds will benefit our students Back to School Bash!
over 1 year ago, Marian Kennedy Busby
Come out this Saturday, June 10th to the Kendra Scott store in the Heights! Mrs. Page, Director of Outreach & Community Engagement, will host a Kendra Gives Back Party for SWPS from 12PM to 2PM! Remember all proceeds will benefit our students Back to School Bash!
over 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Come out this Saturday, June 10th to the Kendra Scott store in the Heights!  Our Director of Outreach & Community Engagement, Kris Page will be hosting a Kendra Gives Back Party for Southwest Public Schools from 12PM to 2PM!  If you can't make it, you can purchase online using our code, GIVEBACK-EEEHV at checkout from June 10-11, 2023.  Remember all proceeds will benefit our students Back to School Bash!
Empowerment High School Graduation will be lived streamed on Channel 1: La Graduación de Empowerment High será transmitida en vivo en Canal 1
over 1 year ago, SWPS Superintendent's Office
Empowerment High School Graduation will be live streamed.
Celebrating our Class of 2023 at our Senior Breakfast!!
over 1 year ago, SWPS Superintendent's Office
senior breakfast
Senior breakfast
Senior Breakfast
Senior Breakfast
over 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
This Friday, June 2nd, is College T-shirt Day! You may wear your college t-shirt and jeans on Friday! ¡Viernes Universitarios! Pueden venir con una camiseta universitaria y pantalones de mezclilla este viernes, el 2 de junio.
over 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
This Friday, June 2nd, is College T-shirt Day! You may wear your college t-shirt and jeans on Friday! ¡Viernes Universitarios! Pueden venir con una camiseta universitaria y pantalones de mezclilla este viernes, el 2 de junio.
Discovery Middle School presents FIRST yearbook created by journalism students to Dr. Adams!!! ¡¡¡Discovery Middle presenta el PRIMER anuario creado por alumnos de periodismo a la Dra. Adams!!!
over 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Discovery Middle School presents FIRST yearbook created by journalism students to Dr. Adams!!!  ¡¡¡Discovery Middle presenta el PRIMER anuario creado por alumnos de periodismo a la Dra. Adams!!!
Congratulations to Discovery's 8th Graders! ¡Felicidades a los alumnos de 8to Grado en Discovery!
over 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Congratulations to Discovery's 8th Graders! ¡Felicidades a los alumnos de 8to Grado en Discovery!
Congratulations to Bissonnet's 5th Graders! ¡Felicidades a los alumnos de 5to Grado en Bissonnet!
over 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Congratulations to Bissonnet's 5th Graders!  ¡Felicidades a los alumnos de 5to Grado en Bissonnet!
Congratulations to Bissonnet's 5th Graders!  ¡Felicidades a los alumnos de 5to Grado en Bissonnet!
Southwest Public Schools would like to introduce, S.O.A.R./New Era. Southwest Public Schools quiere presentar a S.O.A.R./New Era.
over 1 year ago, Yahaira Medina
Southwest Public Schools introduces S.O.A.R./New Era of Empowerment High School
"Recordemos con orgullo a nuestros militares este Día de los Caídos"
over 1 year ago, Marian Kennedy Busby
"Recordemos con orgullo a nuestros militares este Día de los Caídos"
over 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Monday, May 29, 2023 Memorial Day, "remember our fallen service members with pride this Memorial Day"
En conmemoración del Día de los Caídos Southwest Public Schools estará cerrado el lunes 29 de mayo de 2023.
over 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
In observance of Memorial Day Southwest Public Schools will be closed Monday, May 29, 2023.
SWPS Families, join us for the Multilingual Programs Family and Community Night, May 25th (5 PM - 7 PM) Familias de SWPS, únase a nosotros para una Noche de Familia y Comunidad, el 25 de mayo (5 PM a 7 PM)
over 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
SWPS Families, join us for the Multilingual Programs Family and Community Night, May 25th (5 PM - 7 PM)  Familias de SWPS,  únase a nosotros para una Noche de Familia y Comunidad, el 25 de mayo (5 PM a 7 PM)
SWPS Families, join us for the Multilingual Programs Family and Community Night, May 25th (5 PM - 7 PM)  Familias de SWPS,  únase a nosotros para una Noche de Familia y Comunidad, el 25 de mayo (5 PM a 7 PM)
Come join us for Mangum's Annual Silent Art Auction! May 25th (4 PM - 7 PM) ¡Únese a nosotros en Manguma para La Subasta Anual Silenciosa de Arte! 25 de Mayo (4 PM - 7 PM)
over 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Come join us for Mangum's Annual Silent Art Auction!  May 25th (4 PM - 7 PM)  ¡Únese a nosotros en Manguma para La Subasta Anual Silenciosa de Arte!  25 de Mayo (4 PM - 7 PM)
SWPS Families, join us for the Multilingual Programs Family and Community Night, May 25th (5 PM - 7 PM) Familias de SWPS, únase a nosotros para una Noche de Familia y Comunidad, el 25 de mayo (5 PM a 7 PM)
over 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
SWPS Families, join us for the Multilingual Programs Family and Community Night, May 25th (5 PM - 7 PM)  Familias de SWPS,  únase a nosotros para una Noche de Familia y Comunidad, el 25 de mayo (5 PM a 7 PM)
SWPS Families, join us for the Multilingual Programs Family and Community Night, May 25th (5 PM - 7 PM)  Familias de SWPS,  únase a nosotros para una Noche de Familia y Comunidad, el 25 de mayo (5 PM a 7 PM)
SWPS Families, join us for the Multilingual Programs Family and Community Night, May 25th (5 PM - 7 PM) Familias de SWPS, únase a nosotros para una Noche de Familia y Comunidad, el 25 de mayo (5 PM a 7 PM)
over 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
SWPS Families, join us for the Multilingual Programs Family and Community Night, May 25th (5 PM - 7 PM)  Familias de SWPS,  únase a nosotros para una Noche de Familia y Comunidad, el 25 de mayo (5 PM a 7 PM)
SWPS Families, join us for the Multilingual Programs Family and Community Night, May 25th (5 PM - 7 PM)  Familias de SWPS,  únase a nosotros para una Noche de Familia y Comunidad, el 25 de mayo (5 PM a 7 PM)
Come join us for Mangum's Annual Silent Art Auction! May 25th (4 PM - 7 PM) ¡Únese a nosotros en Manguma para La Subasta Anual Silenciosa de Arte! 25 de Mayo (4 PM - 7 PM)
over 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Come join us for Mangum's Annual Silent Art Auction!  May 25th (4 PM - 7 PM)  ¡Únese a nosotros en Manguma para La Subasta Anual Silenciosa de Arte!  25 de Mayo (4 PM - 7 PM)
Today we would like to celebrate and thank our HR Department for their hard work. Happy International Human Resources Day! Hoy queremos celebrar y agradecer a nuestro Departamento de Recursos Humanos por su buen trabajo. ¡Feliz Día Internacional de los Recursos Humanos!
over 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Today we would like to celebrate and thank our HR Department for their hard work.  Happy International Human Resources Day!  Hoy queremos celebrar y agradecer a nuestro Departamento de Recursos Humanos por su buen trabajo.  ¡Feliz Día Internacional de los Recursos Humanos!
Our District Winners of the Year! Congratulations! ¡Nuestros ganadores del distrito del año! ¡Felicidades!
over 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Our District Winners of the Year!  Congratulations!  ¡Nuestros ganadores del distrito del año!  ¡Felicidades!