With the continuous expansion and growth of our Phoenix School sites, we are excited to announce Ms. Stacy Garcia as our new Multi-Site Program Support Officer. Ms. Garcia most recently served as the Principal at the High School for Law & Justice in the Houston Independent School district. With her guidance, the campus maintained an “A” rating including all 7 distinctions based on TEA. Over a 4-year period, she implemented changes that resulted in an increase in Advanced Placement scores.
She began her career in education 20 years after earning a bachelor’s in interdisciplinary studies from the University of Houston – Downtown as a bilingual teacher at Davila Elementary. Mrs. Garcia then earned a master’s in educational administration from the University of Houston – Clear Lake she moved into an administrative role at Law Elementary as an Instructional Specialist. Additionally, she supported science instruction and the successful implementation of the dual language program, and she holds certifications in Principal EC-12 and Bilingual Spanish.
Mrs. Garcia also served as the Assistant Principal at Lanier Middle School. During her time at Lanier, she focused on instruction alignment across the science department which resulted in gains for the level 3 scores in 8th Grade Science STAAR. Additionally, she worked at Chavez High School as a ninth-grade Assistant Principal with a focus on instructional support for English Language Arts and the Special Education students in her cohort.
As an educator, Mrs. Garcia has served a wide range of students and populations. These experiences guide her decisions as an educator to always focus on students, their success, and the support they need to meet their potential.